Baby Girl Productions

Baby Girl Productions



 2404 Akron Cove, Austin, TX 78723

AMaysn Grace Works started in 1999 with the production of “I’m Weak, Lord!” In an effort to move to another level, Baby Girl Productions was introduced! When you see, witness and experience a Baby Girl Production, we want you to feel as though you just spent time with your “friends” laughing and talking. More importantly, we want you to hear God’s Word to His children and remember life lessons taught to us by our elders. Our Mission STILL is to provide works (songs, poetry, dramatic works, musical theater, skits, etc.) to inspire Christian believers to go on in the name of the Lord by means of moral entertainment that will support personal examination and encourage social change. Our vision is to impact the entertainment industry by providing an alternative of Christian based theater productions, videos, TV shows and movies for the uplifting of God’s Kingdom.